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Help us achieve our targets in making the community a healthier and happier place to live. Its volunteers like you that make this world a better place!


There is a dire need to prevent drug adoption, educate citizens about the successful ways of dealing with drug addiction and addicts, introduce rehabilitation as a process that is advantageous towards both people and the country, and break the social stigma.


The Sri Lanka Anti-Narcotics Association (SLANA) was formed with the intent of providing education to corporations, daily wage-earners, and students. Directing communities and people at high risk of narcotics adoption, by investing in sports, music, vocational training, and arts was another avenue in which SLANA strived to approach the narcotics issue.

Husmata Hetak


Project on awareness of drugs while donating Ayurvedic medicine to hundreds of families who are below the poverty line.

Covid Refief Fund


This fund is used to supply dry food rations to hundreds of underprivileged people who have been affected financially by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Youth Program


National Youth Drug Awareness Program (NYDAP) is an annual project that targets every school child to a drug/substance abuse education. 


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